Cross-listings, Antitakeover Defenses, and the Insulation Hypothesis という論文


We find a significant and positive relation between the corporate control threat and the likelihood that firms cross-list in a foreign country.

Firms facing takeover threats are more likely to choose hosting countries with greater accounting differences from the U.S. GAAP. Subsample evidence suggests that cross-listing is more likely to be used as an antitakeover device if firms have foreign market exposure or when all-cash offers are less likely.



AppendixにBHP Billiton vs Rio Tinto,  Mylan vs Perrigo のケースが載っています。Rio TintoはUS,UK,AUの3市場に上場、3つ同時に公開買い付けを行わないといけなく、それぞれの地域の規則を遵守しなければならず非常に複雑だったようです。PerrigoはUSとイスラエルに上場。複雑な取引と不確実性が最終的に失敗に終わった理由の一つとしています。


cross listing antitakeover で検索すると結構出てきますね、勉強不足でした。